CSR commitments

At 5 Degrés, Corporate Social Responsability is at the heart of our values. That's why it's so important for us to do our part and demonstrate continuous improvement in favor of environmental sustainability.

Our memberships

Since 2024, 5 Degrés has been committed to the United Nations Global Compact's corporate social responsibility initiative and its Ten Principles around human rights, labor standards, the environment and anti-corruption.

Our certifications and and labels

We have put in place efficient processes and trained our staff to consistently deliver quality products and services.

Environmental impact is measured and improved across our agencies. We are committed to an ongoing process of promoting sustainable practices.

We are ranked in the top 35% of companies assessed by EcoVadis and in the top 17% of companies in the "consulting and related activities" business sector.

Our support for organizations

We know that actions speak louder than words, which is why every year we support organizations that fight for causes close to our hearts.

We are patrons to the non-profit Hack'Cœur. Founded in 2020, it supports refugees and immigrants wishing to learn and work in the digital field. Our donation has helped cover the association's running costs and contributed to purchasing equipment.

As a sponsor, we support French Produit, an organization that has been central to the French Product community since 2013. Organizing monthly meet-ups across France, it now boasts several thousand members, fostering sharing knowledge and collaboration within our community.

Created in 2018, IAPAU is an organization that aims to make the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) accessible to everyone. It aims to inform the public about its potential and ethical risks through acculturation, information and sharing events. We are supporting them for the whole of 2024.

Our social commitments

Cultivating well-being at work

Celebrating diversity

Promoting professional equality

Fighting discrimination

Prioritizing health and safety

Harmonizing work and personal life

Zero tolerance for harassment

Our socetial commitments

We are committed to integrating positive initiatives for society as a whole into our strategy.

Together for Handicap Week

5 Degrés is committed to employing and retaining people with disabilities. All our vacancies are open to this type of profile. Every year, we take part in the SEEPH (week for employing handicapped people) by organizing communications and workshops to raise awareness and combat stereotypes.

Sport and Solidarity

Every year, we participate in several charity races. The aim is twofold: to support worthy causes and associations, and to promote exercising with coworkers. In 2023, we participated in 3 races.

World Clean Up Day

Every year, we celebrate World Clean-up Day by taking action on our own scale. In 2023, we organized a voluntary litter clean up in the streets around our offices in Paris and Toulouse, where we collected over 15kg of garbage and nearly 4,000 cigarette butts.

Together for Disability Week

5 Degrés is committed to employing and retaining people with disabilities. All our vacancies are open to this type of profile. Every year, we take part in the SEEPH (week for employing handicapped people) by organizing communications and workshops to raise awareness and combat stereotypes.

Sport and Solidarity


Every year, we participate in several charity races. The aim is twofold: to support worthy causes and associations, and to promote exercising with coworkers. In 2023, we participated in 3 races.

World Clean Up Day

Every year, we celebrate World Clean-up Day by taking action on our own scale. In 2023, we organized a voluntary litter clean up in the streets around our offices in Paris and Toulouse, where we collected over 15kg of garbage and nearly 4,000 cigarette butts.

Our environmental commitments

Carbon footprint

Our aim is to reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to the fight against global warming. With this in mind, in 2022 we carried out our first full carbon audit on scopes 1, 2 and 3, following the ADEME methodology with the support of Greenfish. In order to monitor our indicators as closely as possible, we are committed to repeating the audit every 2 years, i.e. in 2024.

Climate Fresco

At the same time, we also run awareness-raising campaigns for our employees and regularly organize "Climate Frescoes". This is a collective intelligence workshop, enabling everyone to understand the scale and complexity of the challenges posed by climate change. We are able to do so thanks to one of our employees who is trained as a Climate Fresco facilitator.

Reducing our carbon footprint

Promoting digital
green IT

Reduce our
energy consumption

Managing our waste better

Work with
eco-responsible suppliers

Raising awareness for a more sustainable

sustainable mobility

Our internal actions

Curious to find out more about our CSR actions?

Discover our full CSR report.